Prembase 760W

High Performance Waterproof Self-Smoothing Mortar

Product Documentation


PREM-BASE 760W is a two-component cementitious mortar for levelling tamped or uneven concrete floors in heavily trafficked areas prior to the application of Hydroseal LX. It incorporates advanced cement chemistry, metakaolin, fibre, epoxy, and styrene acrylic copolymer technology to give enhanced performance and excellent adhesion to concrete surfaces. When mixed, it exhibits a degree of flow to enable ease of application by pouring or pumping techniques to give an even finish. It hydrates to form a dense screed which exhibits both polymetric and resinous properties giving low permeability to water and ensuring long term performance. It is specially formulated to harden rapidly to form a durable surface which can typically be overcoated within 24 hours. The material is designed for application to sound substrates and joints and ‘live’ cracks must be continued through the finished system.


PREM-BASE 760W is designed for levelling tamped or uneven concrete floors in heavily trafficked areas prior to the application of Hydroseal LX and can be placed from 3-60mm thick in a single application.

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Suitable for use on both level and sloping substrates and ramps.
• Wide range of application thicknesses. (3-60mm)
• Can be applied to saturated substrates or floors with no effective waterproofing membrane without risk of osmotic blistering.
• Excellent adhesion to dry and damp cementitious substrates.
• Dense matrix offers low permeability to water even at 10 bar positive and negative pressure.

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