Teknocem LA

High Strength Micro-Concrete


TEKNOCEM LA is a low-alkali highly fluid micro-concrete specially formulated with non-ASR reactive aggregates to produce high-quality fluid repair concrete. The product is mixed with clean water to create a non-shrink repair concrete which is volume stable and does not segregate or bleed. TEKNOCEM LA is highly fluid and self-compacting, making it particularly suitable for the repair of concrete with a high density of steel reinforcement. TEKNOCEM LA is suitable for use in thicknesses from 20mm – 200mm where free-flowing self-compacting concrete is required. The product is easily mixed and may be placed by hand or pumped. The use of specially formulated blast furnace slag cement ensures that the pre-bagged mix has an equivalent sodium oxide level of less than 3 Kg per M3 which reduces the risk of ASR (Alkali-Silica Reaction). The TEKNOCEM LA exhibits mid-range resistivity making it suitable for use in conjunction with cathodic protection systems.


TEKNOCEM LA is a highly fluid micro concrete, making it suitable for repairing large sections of concrete where compaction by vibration is impossible. It is particularly suitable for repairing areas of concrete where access is restricted. TEKNOCEM LA is also ideal for thick section grouting where high strength is also required. Typical Applications include the reinstatement of structural sections on bridge abatements, soffits, concrete columns and other large structural elements. Once hardened the TEKNOCEM LA exhibits excellent resistance to carbon dioxide and chloride ions.

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